Springpad - P90X and Hammer's Other Sports Agendas

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Charlie Plays Well and Shoots a Number

Charlie Goes Deep!

July 4th was a nice little outing that included Charles Edgerton,Sy Fitzgerald,SamWilson and myself at Brown's Mill Golf Course. The weather was perfect and the course was in very good condition.
Charles and I came through the turn at 42 and 41 while Sy (woozy tummy)and Sam struggled a bit on the front. Charlie really took it low with a 38 on the back which included a double and 2 birdies. Charles also had the longest drive I've seen on 16 when he had only a SANDWEDGE for his second leading to a run-away birdie.
I tried to keep pace, but a balky putter left me in a distant (84) second. Charlie ended up with a well played 80 and Sy and Sam regrouped on the back side to finish strongly.

 Mr. Sam Wilson is driving the ball tremendously with a beautiful power draw which is unfortunately keeping him back with us on the back tees .....LOL..!

Sam Wilson Hitting it Long !

 Hammer Drives it Pretty Well Too!

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